Hotel Tryp Cayo Coco. Situated in Coco Key, north of Ciego de Avila province. This key is 231.1 sq. miles (372 km²) and has 13.6 miles (22 km) of beach. It is an... - Your travel to Cuba!

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Hotel Tryp Cayo Coco *****

Sol Meliá  

To calculate rates supply the following information

Tryp Cayo Coco, Cuba

Cayo Coco. Jardines del Rey. Cayo Coco, Ciego de Ávila

Category: 5 Stars
Meals plan:
All Inclusive (AI)

Check-In Time: 12:00 PM
Check-Out Time: 12:00 PM

(53-33) 30-1300

(53-33) 30-1375


Situated in Coco Key, north of Ciego de Avila province. This key is 231.1 sq. miles (372 km²) and has 13.6 miles (22 km) of beach. It is an ecological paradise with 145 varieties of plants and 165 fauna species, among them nearly 35 000 flamingoes. In front of the hotel beach there is a spectacular coralline barrier.

Room facilities

Air Conditioning, Balcony or Terrace, Bathroom, Safety box, Power 220 V / 60 Hz, Modem jack, Wheelchair accessible, Jacuzzi in the suites, Minibar, Hair dryer, Room service, Telephone, Cable TV

Hotel facilities

Bar, Buffet, Restaurant à la carte, Snack-Bar, Entertainment programme, Children playground, Tennis court, Jacuzzi, Art Gallery, Swimming pool, Disco, Meeting and Convention rooms, Bycicle rent, Money exchange, Moped rent, Boutique or Shopping, Tourism bureau, Safety deposit box, Money exchange, Commercial Center, Baby sitter, Parking, Wheelchair accessible, Laundrymat, Post office, Car rental, Beauty parlor, Fax and E-mail service, Medical services, Cigar shop, Taxis

Attractions you can visit

  • Natural Appealing National Park Guillermo Key-Coco Key

Note: The price DOES NOT include any charges for optional incidentals (such as minibar snacks or telephone calls). The lodging will assess this charges upon check-out.

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